Monday, April 30, 2012

Jump Vest

Yes, I know I look like I'm going white water rafting rather than riding my horse, but the two of us have a history.

AiroWear - Outlyne Child's Body Protector
OK, this is not me and I really don't get the ad, but I love this vest and I did order it from the UK.
They had the best prices, and I chose custom colors too!

I think people have a perceived view of a rider who shows up in a helmet and vest.  They must think that the horse is "Hell of Four Legs" or that the rider is lacking major confidence.  Well I am happy to say that I have put my vest to good use.  It's not just a trend and yes it's hot, snug, and really ugly. It sure beats broken ribs. 

I had a debate with a guy at my barn on how a helmet can save your life.  This same guy has been thrown or fallen off several times and yet it hasn't knocked any sense into him.  I gather he can't wear his cowboy hat over it.  Darwinism at work.

We had a great lesson of Friday and I rode her cold out of the trailer.  No room to lunge, so I put my big girl pants on.  I am learning to let her determine the distance.  I really want to help her, but this just makes things worse.  This is an older video of our lesson 3 months ago.  I just wanted to show off my vest.  I love baby blue and navy.  I think a splash of yellow would have made the vest pop.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Jumping Lesson

We are going to ride in a lesson on Friday.  The fun part is the trailer ride there and warm-up.  My last lesson two weeks ago, caused a stir.  It was Easter weekend, so I decided to get to my lesson early to avoid any traffic.  Well, we got there 2.5 hours early.  No problem, we grazed and did a lot of walking around, and then more grazing. 

I enter indoor arena and notice who was riding.  One large Friesian and a young girl with two ponies.  I think, no problem my mare has seen this before.  Well, the Friesian was lacking forward, so there was a lot of whip action and then the ponies turn into little dragons.  My mare looses it and rears, but all I hear are panic voices around me.  We are under control, but I did lack confidence after that.  I think people should keep their voices down instead of shouting about a hot horse.  I got right to work and had a great lesson.  Later I hear that a rider had asked if my horse was green or young.  She didn't want to ride near me and I totally get that.  I can't wait for the day when people will notice how well behaved my mare is and not make such a grand entrance.  By the way, she really is jumping me out of the tack now!!  Love that feeling when they bascule over the fences.

What I learned:
  • Stay cool even on reactive missile
  • Ignore others and focus
  • Be positive and smile
I hope this weeks lesson is just as eventful!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Crazy People @ My Barn

You know if you board at a public barn, there are always those people that are a bit off or just plain nuts.  I suppose it's better than a barn full of DQs.  The same DQs that run over you with their 17 hand I can't steer yet and I need the whole arena.  The same ones who can only work on changes across the diagonal and that's all they work on.

Well, at my barn we have better boarders.  Those that can't pay, take off and leave their horses or beat them.  We have this new gal who just came in with this nice Morgan stallion.  First of all, geld the poor thing then send it to a real trainer!  She says she is training him to, rack?  I don't know enough about Morgans, but it sounds like she wants a park horse out of him.  She puts chains on all four feet and then shouts at him while hitting him with whips.  Last week I think he had enough because he flipped over on her.  She then beat him for it.  We are all taking notes on this and have told the barn owner. 

Our newest boarder isn't mean, but claims she teaches Classical Dressage.  Well, all she does is passage around the arena.  She purchased her horses from a south of the boarder trainer who has taught them all those pretty tricks.  First of all, take the double off!!  I wouldn't normally pick on a person like her, but she claims she's a trainer!

Come on, get your hands out of your crotch and ride the dam horse forward from behind!

I think I'm an OK rider, but @ least I know what a proficient trainer should look like.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New Saddle

I have ridden in my new saddle for 3 days.  Wish it was more, but life and weather have slowed things down.  The first thing I had to do was drop my iron three holes.  I did notice that the saddle really feels wide under me and there is plenty of room for my bottom.  People tell me that when you get the right fit, sitting trot will feel better.  I can honestly say that it does.  I feel like I can drop my leg down and open my hip joints.  I can admit that sitting the trot has been very hard for me.  I have taken lunge lessons and they do help, but only time in the saddle will get me there.  I can sit the trot on other horses that either don't move out or give you that spot to sit.  I can ride w/ out my saddle @ all three gates, but with the saddle it always seemed to get in the way.  Now I feel I am going to master this.  My horse seems to move more freely, and the trot right after the canter down transition isn't as challenging.  I am going to video before and after to see if there really is a change.