Monday, May 20, 2013

Show Season is Here!

We have been to two shows so far and have moved up to first level.  I still need to have a better connection, but we are doing fine.  In April we did Test 1 and 2 with scores of 63.27% and 65.8%.  Remarks were horse needs to be on bit more and rider needs to prepare more before transitions.  Ivy really tries and I just love being the one with the horse that just hangs out. 

Our next show was last weekend at the Woodside Horse Park.  I was a bit nervous because I was going alone with out support, and it was a new venue for us.  She came off the trailer wide eyed, but didn't react to anything.  The warm up was filled with all types and even a mini pony.  I worked on spirals in and out, transitions and even a gallop.  She was soooo lazy and late to the aids.  I then tapped her from walk to trot and repeated this until she moved to the light leg aid.  Our first class I forgot to trot at C for the final lengthening trot across the diagonal. We ended up with a 63.48 and -2 error points.  Comments were to not get quick in the lengthening. In our second class I got lost again!  I swear I was sooo nervous that I couldn't focus on the next thing.  We got a 64.18 plus -2 error points.  We got a 7 on gaits and an 8 on a halt and medium walk.  Leg yield scores came down from a 7 to a 5.5 from the last show. Again comments were need better connection.  With a first and a second in hand, we had a great day!

We qualify now for CDS championships, and the Adult Regionals.  Who needs to jump.